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is HFCWO Airway clearance therapy. It vibrates and percusses to break loose those thick tenacious secretions. Treatment is usually twice a day for 30 minute each and difference it makes is remarkable.

Is it more than COPD?
Daily productive (mucus) cough for at least 6 continous months
Frequent exacerbations/chest infections requiring antibiotic therapy
Failure of other treatments to adequately mobilize retained secretions/airway clearance
Diagnosis of Bronchiectasis (signs of Bronchiectasis chronic cough with mucus production) confirmed via CT scan
High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation therapy was initially used for patients with Cystic Fibrosis but we have learned that many patients with COPD suffer from BRONCHIECTASIS. Bronchiectastis is a disease in which permanent enlargement of parts of the airways of the lung. Symptoms include a chronic cough with mucus production, shortness of breath, coughing up blood, and chest wall pain. For those patients that have tried 3 rounds of antibiotics and airway clearance techniques and still struggle with close airways then this may be the tool you have been needing. Once you try the Afflovest you will be amazed out how much better you will be able to breath.
For more Information click here
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