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If you are experiencing difficulty in clearing your airways. You have tried 3 or more rounds of antibiotics or chronic cough lasting more than 6 months and still having trouble then this could be an option. Many patients are amazed at how much better they are able to breathe after just a few treatments.


How to Order 


For Cystic Fibrosis and Neuromuscular Conditions 

Physician order that includes; Afflovest prescription, documentation (chart notes) of another treatment             (flutter valve, percussion, postural drainage, breathing techniques, suctioning) tried to mobilize                    secretions and clearly indicating why the other device has failed.


Example Note:

Mr. Jones has ALS. Patient has tried and failed other treatments to mobilize secretions. Patient                            would benefit from Afflovest. 


For Bronchiectasis:

   1. Required: CT Scan confirming diagnosis of bronchiectasis. (No time limit) AND

   2. Required: Daily productive cough for at least 6 continuous months. 

                             OR Frequent exacerbations requiring antibiotic therapy. AND

   3. Required: Documentation (chart notes) of another treatment (flutter valve, percussion, postural                                    drainage, breathing techniques, secretions and clearly indicating the other device has                                failed.


Example Notes:

Mr. Jones has Bronchiectasis and has had a CT scan confirming this disease on XX/XX/XXXX. Patient has tried and failed flutter valve to mobilize secretions. He has had a daily productive cough during the past 6 months. Pt would benefit from Afflovest. 


Mr. Jones has Bronchiectasis and has had a CT scan confirming this disease on XX/XX/XXXX. Patient has tried and failed Flutter Valve to mobilize secretions. He has had 3 exacerbations requiring antibiotic for treatment of this disease in the past year. Pt would benefit from Afflovest. 





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