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What You Need To Get a

Acceptable diagnosis- Brocniectasis, Chronic Bronchitis, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis,                                 Emphysema, Tuberculosis, Reactive Airway Disease

Valid Script 

Office Notes showing need for therapy

Demographic Information

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  • Convenience - Shipped directly to your door

  • Patient Can Save Money $$ - bills to your part B saves out of pocket cost and keeps out of donut hole

  • Helps with Compliance - monthly call helps instruct you how your doing on taking your meds

Medications Currently Offered

􏰖 Gen. DuoNeb 

􏰖 Albuterol 0.083% 2.5mg/3.0ml􏰖 Ipratropium 0.02% 0.5mg/2.5ml􏰖 Budesonide 0.25mg/2ml
􏰖 Budesonide 0.5mg/2ml

􏰖 Perforomist 20mcg/2ml􏰖 Brovana 15mcg/2ml

Tobramycin 300mg/5ml

Other _____________________________________

Common Diagnosis

496 (COPD)        493.90 (Asthma)     491.9 (Chronic Bronchitis)    492.8 (Emphysema)

494.0 (Bronchiectasis)  for more complete list of codes click here


  • Covered Diagnosis (Dx Codes ICD-10: J41.0 – J47.9, J60-70.9)

  • Our pharmacist will confirm patient’s order (please understand that we cannot ship the medication until we receive a valid prescription).

  • Our Patient Care Representative will contact the patient to introduce America’s Best Care Plus as your pharmacy provider, verify their information, and confirm shipment of their medication.

  • Our pharmacy will fill the order and ship via UPS for next day* direct delivery to patient’s home, unless other arrangements have been made. We track all packages to assure medication delivery.

    *Next day delivery only if patient has no meds on hand

  • A 72 hour follow-up call to patient will be done to assure patient satisfaction, identify needs, or address concerns

  • Our Patient Care Representative will contact the patient every month to encourage compliance and for reordering their medications. Auto shipping is prohibited per Medicare guidelines.

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